Does Working From Home Impact Mental Health?

By August 31, 2022 Commercial Real Estate

The pandemic created an entirely new set of challenges for employers, such as how to: be productive in an at-home environment, retain quality employees, deal with supply chain issues, support and encourage employees, and recognize mental health challenges associated with working from home while fostering a remote environment of communication and inclusion. Now that the lockdowns are behind us, is working from home best for employees?

As an employer, offering a flexible work location is a huge benefit for some employees. Each employee is different in their ability to be happy and productive while working from home. In fact, many employees report that they can get more done working remotely since they can steer clear of office conversations and the commute. Avoiding traffic, gas expenses and gossip is important, but make sure you consider the long-term mental health of the people you depend on.

According to a public opinion poll completed by the American Psychiatric Association in March 2021, nearly 2/3 of people working from home felt isolated or lonely sometimes. Also, many experienced greater emotional exhaustion and stress without the social support of coworkers and found it challenging to get away from work at the end of the day.*

So, what’s the answer? Consider a hybrid! If employees appreciate the at-home time, offer two days at home and three days in the office, or some similar arrangement. Employees feel respected and trusted and will be in the office for connection and important work discussions. If your business is looking for the perfect home, contact the commercial real estate experts at Bluewater Properties.


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