10 Steps to Prepare Your Home for Winter

By October 23, 2019 Building Safety

Fall time is in full swing, and that means cleaning before winter sets in! Knowing that you need to clean is hard enough, let alone not knowing where to start. Cold weather means dry air, stuffy noses, and the beginning of heaters running. We want to help make sure you stay safe and healthy this winter season. 

  Here is a checklist of 10 steps to prepare your home for winter:  

  1. Insulate exposed pipes as needed
  2. Remove or cover window A/C units
  3. Blow out hoses and irrigation 
  4. Clean out your fireplace/chimney 
  5. Vacuum out heat registers and heat vents 
  6. Clean out gutters 
  7. Cover or store outdoor furniture 
  8. Check your drainage pipes
  9. Test your smoke and carbon dioxide detectors  
  10. Seal up any holes or cracks to avoid letting warmth out and critters in  

Winter is a tough season, and being in a place that experiences some of the most drastic weather changes, we need to know how to prepare our homes. These are just a few essential steps to take in order to help prepare your home for the winter. Check out more useful tips on our blog page! 


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