Spring Property Maintenance Checklist

By May 16, 2015 May 8th, 2018 Building Safety

The key to property maintenance is preventative maintenance! Which is why we recommend taking the time each season to check everything on your property is working properly and ensure the safety of your tenants.

When the weather warms up and the snow melts away, tenants oftentimes notice problems that cropped up over the winter or perhaps there is something that was there before winter that it is finally time to take action on. Well – you can use the warmer weather as a chance to get outside and take care of some maintenance tasks that can protect and improve your property for the spring and summer. Both inside and outside your property, these simple checks can keep your property safe and at its best.

The list can be expansive, but here are the top 6 checks we recommend prioritizing inside and outside the property.

Inside the Property

  1. Check all windows and screens – fill cracks, repair any holes and repaint/replace as necessary.
  2. Inspect attics, basements and foundation for signs of leaks or if any critters/insects have found a place to colonize over the winter months.
  3. Check your electrical outlets for potential fire hazards, such as frayed wires or loose-fitting plugs and take a look at outlets, fuse boxes and extension cords to make sure they are not overloaded.
  4. Vacuum link from dryer vent and clean out any build-up that may have occurred over the winter months to prevent fires and make sure your dryer is running as efficiently as possible.
  5. Inspect grout in bathroom tiles and caulking seams in showers/tubs to ensure there is none missing or broken so to prevent water from leaking through and causing damage.
  6. Test your smoke detectors monthly, and replace the batteries annually. We recommend replacing batteries every spring so you remember when to do it! Also check that your fire extinguisher is accessible and not expired.

Outside the Property

  1. Check roof and siding for damage, rot, missing shingles, etc. as necessary
  2. Clean gutters and downspouts to prevent debris accumulation and therefore housing rot.
  3. Reseal exterior woodwork – wood decks, fences, railings, pergolas and other outdoor structures should be resealed every 1-2 years.
  4. Inspect driveways, parking lots and paths. The freezing and thawing of the ground over winter can cause cracks and ground level changes which can lead to trip hazards and injuries.
  5. Schedule air-conditioning service and replace filters, AC units that are maintained will have a longer life and will run more efficiently saving you and your tenants money.
  6. Inspect trees and trim broken limbs and bushes. To prevent falling branches and injuries, it is important to regularly inspect trees on your properties.


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