How to Keep Pests Out of Your Property

By February 9, 2015 Building Safety


We still have a few weeks left of winter. Even as the weather begins to warm, late spring snow storms and cold frosts will likely drive undesirable pests back into warm homes. Once rodents and insects find their way inside, they’ll damage your property – chewing wires, destroying wood, tearing insulation, and burrowing through your walls. Prevent an unwanted pest invasion before it becomes a BIG problem. We’ve put together a list of tips to help you prevent troublesome pests from infesting your properties.

  • Teach your residents to recognize the signs of a pest invasion. Small animal droppings, clusters of dead bugs, scratching in the walls, and odd smells are all signs of potential pests problems. Instruct your residents to call you should they see any of signs. Provide your residents with an informative sheet on pest prevention – proper waste disposal, rental cleanliness, etc.
  • Seal all entrances and windows. You should check the seals on your door entrances and windows. Improperly sealed entrances and windows give an open invitation to destructive pests. Small holes or cracks will allow unwanted rodents and insects to crawl into your properties.
  • Check window screens. Damaged window screens also provide an entrance into your home should a resident open their window for an extended period of time. Prevent pests from entering through the damaged mesh by replacing broken screens.
  • Seal your property’s exterior. Walk around your property and determine potential entrance points for insects and small rodents. For example, you may want to seal off any large openings to prevent squirrels or other large rodents from nesting inside your walls or attic space, i.e. an unused chimney or vent. You’ll also want to create a seal around any protruding pipes or cracks you might find on your property’s outside exterior. 
  • Store trash, yard clippings, firewood, etc. AWAY from your property’s foundation. All of these yard items provide a breeding ground for insects and bugs. Reducing these potential breeding grounds will greatly decrease the chances of pests entering your home.

Do you have any pest prevention tips you’d like to add? Comment below!

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